Something Fresh

Friday, April 28, 2006

Lets get thinking...

"There is so much good in the worst of us,

And so much bad in the best of us,

That it hardly becomes any of us,

To talk about the rest of us! "

Apart from the obvious that this quote conveys, I shall digress here to add another point-how many times have we judged people (it has become a natural involuntary process) in haste, formed opinions quickly, only to find the truth to be far from what we think!

So now I shall reveal the secret of happiness in relationships!A staggering truth that could change your lives for ever!Staight from the storehouse of gyaan(tats me!)

hushed silence





Stop judging.Start living!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ode To 'Just' Guys!

An innocuous looking ship,’Clemenceau’ is to set sail to India from France.'What’s the big deal?' u ask. Nothing. Except that it is laden with toxic asbestos. It will be brought to India to recover steel worth crores of rupees at the cost of the health of hundreds of workers and other environmental hazards.

At this juncture it is very easy for us to cry ourselves hoarse that greed has blinded our businessmen. There is corruption at every level in our bureaucracy and in politics. The country is going down the drain.
But does this attitude solve the problem? Can we totally absolve ourselves of blame? Has there not been an occasion when we jumped red lights in the traffic and bribed the cop or littered the street with plastic? These are insignificant things, you say. But they seem to make all the difference. Sometimes justification and at other times plain indifference has led to these 'insignificant things’assuming enormous proportions. We have come to a point where only the end matters. The means to the end does not seem to matter so much. One who breaks the rules and gets away with it is clever and smart. At this rate there will come a day when dishonesty will become an accepted way of life.

The fundamental malady in our society, it appears to me is that we don’t have principles and convictions. So we have the reprobates who are the 'I’m like that and proud of it' kind to the 'I know its wrong but you have to make 'compromises ' 'kind. Our values, ethics and morality is slowly dying.

Wait! Not so soon. There does exist a clan of honest and just people. The nice guys amongst you who have quietly done your bit to improve things and make the world a better place. This post is just for you. This is for the 'just' guys, the righteous ones, for those who have stood by what is right because they believed in it, for those who did the right things even when they were not watched or when they could have gotten away with dishonesty, for those who chose what is right over what is easy, for those who withstood peer pressure to live the right way, for those who have valued their conscience over money, job and even life.You guys hold the key to a better future for all of us.We need more people like you. Three cheers to you!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Been there ,Done that!

Yep! I've done it! (with a beaming self-congratulatory smile) I've done it! You wonder if I've won an Olympic gold or launched a satellite? Nope.I've just started blogging.Finally I've got my space to rave and rant and voice my views.This is my chance to break away from my coy reticence and indulge in some intelligent prattle. I can express my opinions for a million people to see.('A million people !??? It will be a record if some 50 people read.' u might say.)Improbable but not impossible! Thats the optimist in me!

"Something Fresh" was the novel which the great humorist PG Wodehouse wrote in his early years as he made a humble beginning.Iam making one now. Lets see how it goes...